
The TCP socket connection based on enc28j60 chip for arduino 1.0

View the Project on GitHub dovrose/Socket-network-for-enc28j60---arduino


I had to create a project with TCP/IP socket connection. All other projects I found was a connection to Web sites, but the link was dropped after the connection. I added the ability to keep the connection open, but I didn't tried to connect to WEB pages (I don't need it).

About the ENC28J60

ENC28J60 Ethernet Module utilizes the new Microchip ENC28J60 Stand-Alone Ethernet Controller IC featuring a host of features to handle most of the network protocol requirements. The board connects directly to most microcontrollers with a standard SPI interface with a transfer speed of up to 20MHz.

What we have?

We can do the following:

  1. Open socket connection to socket server from arduino.
  2. Send UDP packets
  3. Listen to UDP.
  4. Get NTP.
  5. Connect with DHCP.
  6. Connect to server with DNS name.

How to use

Set the ethernet you need to set MAC address:

static uint8_t mymac[6] = {0x54,0x55,0x58,0x10,0x00,0x24};

Set the socket:

static uint16_t my_port = 11200; // client port

static uint16_t server_port = 1000; // server port

static uint8_t dest_ip[4]={192,168,1,105}; //server IP

Start socket - in setup


the tcpSerialPrint is callback function on receiving data.

while (!net.connect()) {}

Serial.println("socket connected");

keep the socket alive - in the loop



Next steps

  1. Add the ability to connect web sits.
  2. keep alive connection.
  3. Re-transmission packets.
  4. Connect to network with static address.

Authors and Contributors - Thank you

To create this, I had help from the following: